Set in 1944, this authentic worship service reveals how soldiers made time for their faith in the most trying of times, and the role of chaplains in guiding and strengthening the spirits of the men in their care.
Free admission to the Memorial from 10:00AM to Noon.
View the complete list of 80th anniversary events our 80th anniversary website.
Marcella Arline & William Bender
George P. Waters
Charles T. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kessler
Mr. George G. Conner Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick T. Scruggs
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne & Peggy Schwartz
The Titmus Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Don Banker
Mrs. Bonnie Eyestone
The Merryman Family
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Mary Jane Rhodes
Mr. Dave Lagasse & Ms. Jen Kohn
Mr. & Mrs. Tom & Anne Kruetzer
Bradford Exchange
Paul Perrone