National D-Day Memorial

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  3. National D-Day Memorial
Events from this organizer

No Excuse Night

National D-Day Memorial 3 Overlord Circle, Bedford, VA, United States

No Excuse Night is held annually during the national Spirit of ’45 weekend to commemorate the end of World War II. Never been to the Memorial? Haven’t been in a while? There’s no excuse not to visit during this free, extended-hours event! Docents will be stationed throughout the Memorial to share information with guests. No tickets or registration required. Rain or shine. Memorial site will be cleared in the event of a thunderstorm.


Event Series Poppy Peace Garden

Poppy Peace Garden

National D-Day Memorial 3 Overlord Circle, Bedford, VA, United States

Each September the Memorial marks the official end of World War II with the Poppy Peace Garden. To pay remembrance, red poppies are placed alongside the Le Monument Aux Morts sculpture as a visual tribute to the men and women who gave their all to preserve the freedoms we enjoy today. The garden also commemorates the 9/11 anniversary and the first responders who sacrificed their lives for the safety of others. The display can be viewed during daily operating hours, 10AM - 5PM. Regular admission fees apply. Poppies may be purchased in honor or memory of veterans, active service members,...

Event Series Patriot Day Wreath Laying

Patriot Day Wreath Laying

National D-Day Memorial - Estes Plaza 3 Overlord Circle, Bedford, VA, United States

The National D-Day Memorial and the Bedford Fire Department will remember the September 11, 2001 attacks with an annual wreath laying and remarks. Regular admission fees apply. Wreath laying will be livestreamed.

Event Series National POW/MIA Recognition Day

National POW/MIA Recognition Day

National D-Day Memorial 3 Overlord Circle, Bedford, VA, United States

Join us as we recognize prisoners of war and America's sons and daughters who remain missing with our annual wreath laying at the Memorial's POW/MIA flag, located on the east lawn (behind the Gold Star Families Memorial Monument). Regular admission fees apply.

Event Series U.S. Navy Birthday

U.S. Navy Birthday

National D-Day Memorial 3 Overlord Circle, Bedford, VA, United States

U.S. Navy veterans receive complimentary admission to the Memorial. (Admission is always free for Active-duty service members.)